We are excited to announce that we have finally planted roots on the web for all to see. Our website features everything you would want to know about R.H. Dupper Landscaping, Inc. You can find out about our history, the services we offer and our team members while also reviewing our portfolio of completed projects. You may recognize some of our work around the valley. We are excited to present a resource page that will be rich in education content regarding proper horticultural practices. There are many practices around the valley that are not sustainable and should not be copied by others. We will also keep you up to date with important topics and items you need to know via the blog. Please visit our...

The weeks and months seem to fly by faster each year. It’s February and that means we need to start preparing the soil and environment to set up our warm season Bermuda turf for success. It is time to fertilize the winter turf one last time with one pound of actual nitrogen. We recommend using a fertilizer that has nitrate nitrogen in it.   If you experienced weeds in your summer turf last season, now is the time to apply pre-emergent to your turf areas. You can do so with a liquid or a granular product; applying it at the rate provided on the label. Please check your local distributor for applicable products for your property. If you have any pest problems, March is also a good...